Waterproof Split Rear Seat Cover For Dogs - 4KninesTechnology Comparison vs the Competition


https://4knines.com/search?type=product&q=split -- In this video, Jim describes how the 4Knines Split Cover technology differs from competitive covers that look similar.

Here is more about 4Knines:

We're Jim and Maggie, founders of 4Knines. We loved to travel with our dogs, Ares and Ana, but having the dogs in the car created so many problems.

We asked each other, "how can we travel with our best friends and not go nuts?" How do we keep the dogs comfortable, the vehicle clean, and make the trip a pleasure?"

These questions kept resurfacing as seat cover, after seat cover, after seat cover failed to protect our new car's upholstery from getting covered in dirt, slobber, and fur. The answer was to start our own business and create a durable line of dog seat covers that would stand up to the “Ares and Ana Test.”

We knew we wanted to create a seat cover that would allow people to bring their big, active dogs with them wherever they go, and protect their car from, well, their big, active dogs. We envisioned a cover that would eliminate any hesitation to take your dog with you in the car. A cover that would be indestructible when met with muddy paws, wet fur, drool, urine, and dander.

So here we are today, creating seat covers and other car accessories with quality craftsmanship and thoughtful design. Over the years, we've gone through multiple upgrades and revisions based on reviews and feedback from our customers. These durable seat covers offer exceptional quality and craftsmanship. They've been designed to outperform and outlast any other seat covers on the market. And we stand behind our seat covers with a 100% satisfaction guarantee and a lifetime warranty.

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Giving Back

When you purchase a 4Knines cover, you are getting the best dog cover on the market AND you are supporting the pet community. At 4Knines, we believe in giving back! Since day one, 4Knines has donated a percentage of every sale to animal advocacy groups. In addition, we support and showcase the great work of various animal advocacy groups in our Monthly Spotlight articles. You can find out more about our giving back campaigns here:


Here is more about us from websites and blogs focused on dogs:




See a comparison against other dog seat covers at this video: https://4knines.com/search?type=product&q=split

#dogseatcovers #dogseatcover #rearseatcovers